The advocates from these legal services may offer free legal advice to people with low income who have legal problems. For some problems, they may send you to another legal aid program or a volunteer attorney. These attorneys may not help you with a criminal case, if you are trying to sue someone, or if you have an immigration problem. They cannot help with problems in other states. Contact the legal aid office closest to you to see if you are eligible for legal services.

Health Mental Health Counseling Childcare Legal Assistance Education Housing Physical Health Employment Substance Abuse
For us relationships come first. It’s more than just working together, it’s understan...

Spiritual Homeless Shelters Youth Shelters Emergency Shelters Employment Meals Childcare Counseling Clothing Legal Assistance Education
61 08 8088 204461 08 8088 2044
The Salvation Army Australia is a Christian movement dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus. We s...

Northern Settlement Services Ltd (NSS) is an entirely independent not for profit organisation pro...

Homeless Shelters Domestic Violence Women's Shelters Youth Shelters Family Shelters Education Legal Assistance Meals Childcare
61 02 4934 258561 02 4934 2585
Our Mission “To increase the number of families in the Maitland and Lower Hunter area who are hou...

61 02 4926 175861 02 4926 1758
Soul Cafe’s desire is to do more than just serve a meal. The ultimate mission of Soul Cafe is to ...

The Hunter Community Legal Centre is an independent, not for profit, community legal centre funde...

Clothing Homeless Shelters Domestic Violence Emergency Shelters Family Shelters Housing Utility Assistance Rent Assistance Legal Assistance Counseling Meals Health Mental Health Substance Abuse
61 02 49 296 28961 02 49 296 289
Jenny’s Place is a not-for-profit community-based service established in Newcastle in 1977....